Aiden Collyar

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Aiden Collyar

Aiden Collyar

In 2019, 9 year old Aiden Collyar was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma which is an aggressive cancer of the soft tissue.  He had a tumor in his lower right leg and amputation was the best option to increase his chances of survival.  Aiden’s dream has been to be able to run with his friends and play sports like other children his age.  The Bionic Project donated $10,000 toward Aiden’s prosthesis which was presented to him at the Bionic 5k recently in Cambridge, MA.  We worked with Aiden’s prosthetic company, Next Step Bionics & Prosthetics to get Aiden the running blade he needed.  According to Aiden’s mother, Samantha, they would have never been able to secure this for him as insurance companies will not pay for specialized prosthetics.  When Aiden was given his new blade he was asked what was the first thing he was going to do with it.  He said, “Try to run!”